Thursday, September 16, 2010

10 easy to follow weight loss tips!

10 Easy to follow tips for weight loss and developing self worth

I took some time out of my day to type up a few weight loss tips that I’ve been using in my own personal efforts. I hope these help you guys, it’s helped me in so many ways and I can’t wait to share it with you all.

Weight loss tips that can be easily incorporated into any schedule.



So you’ve tried diet after diet and never stuck with it. Well that’s most likely because the restrictions you put on yourself sucked the fun out of your life. Try substituting one unhealthy side for a healthy one.

For example: you ordered chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy and corn well substitute the mashed potatoes for green beans. It’s a tiny sacrifice that’s easy to convince yourself to do. Little steps help you move forward too.


Another tiny thing we can all do to help us lose weight is parking at the back of the parking lot. It’s an old tip I think this tip might be older than me! I just started doing it as of late and I actually break a sweat in some of the bigger parking lots. Haha! It’s easy and definitely worth it!


With social networking how it is today people are taking pictures of themselves more than ever. Trust me I know if you have a negative body image you probably avoid cameras like I do. That being said, documenting your weight loss with photos is a great way to actually see your results and stay motivated.


When you’re grocery shopping take the extra 3 seconds to read the nutrition labels. I had heard this one before but paid no attention to it. But strangely enough when I started reading the labels it drastically effected what I bought!

If you’re stuck going to a fast food joint, no worries! Every fast food place I’ve been to as of late have started displaying their nutrition facts right on the packaging. I’m a strong believer in not putting anything in your body if you don’t know exactly what it is and what it’s going to do to your health.


Tell your friends and family you’re trying to get healthy. Being overweight is a leading cause of depression and depression can be a cause of over eating. Being in that state of mind makes it easy for us to forget that our family and friends really do love us. Their support is something that helps us stay motivated. In addition to their support letting a group of people close to you know that you’re trying to lose weight helps you stay accountable!


Make exercise fun! I personally make exercise easy because I absolutely hate it. I always have. I didn’t even like running around when I was a kid. So I found that if I don’t really take the time to figure out what I like to do I don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of sticking with a program. So find out what makes you smile while you’re doing it. Maybe it’s swimming, roller blading or bike riding give a few different activities a shot until you find one that fits you!


CHEAT! Eat what you want every once in a while. A friend of mine that had great success in weight loss once told me…

“I didn’t deprive myself of the foods I love. I would carry a little piece of paper in my wallet and every time I got a craving for something terribly unhealthy I would write it down on that piece of paper then on the following Saturday I would take that piece of paper out, pick one of the unhealthy cravings I had during the week and indulge myself.”

I’ve always thought that was a great tip.


There is so much great literature available online for people in the boat we’re in. There are 1,000s of weight loss sites that provide great information on nutrition and fitness. There are two things I ask myself when looking for good, solid information on nutrition and fitness. The first question is “Is this website promising me unrealistic results in a unrealistic amount of time?” if so I move on because that site isn’t going to benefit me in the slightest. The second question I ask myself is “Is this source preying on my insecurities?” If I feel that the website is trying to take advantage of my desire to lose weight I move on. I’m looking for good solid information about weight loss and fitness not empty promises.



Going off course is almost inevitable. With holidays and other special occasions sticking to a perfect nutritional plan is just unrealistic. But when we put such strict limits on ourselves we get more and more disappointed in ourselves every time we stray. There’s this almost instinctual reaction to just throw it all down the drain when we mess up once. DON’T! just pick up where you left off like it never happened. Even if you mess up once every week you still got it right 6 out of 7 days. And if you are exercising and eating right 6 out of 7 days of the week every week you’ll get almost equal results as if you stayed true to your plan 7 out of 7 days of the week. Stick to it. You are worth it.


Remember you’re weight doesn’t make you less of a person. You are a unique being. There’s no one JUST like you anywhere on this planet. When I meditate on that it helps me to gain pride and respect for myself. When I’m proud of myself I treat myself, eat and feel better!


Remember! a lot of little steps add up to giant strides

Take it slow there’s no rush.

Even if it takes you 10 years to lose 100 lbs that’s 10 years straight you didn’t gain a single pound. Even skinny people can’t say that.

I'd rather take a year to lose my weight than waste another year gaining weight!

(The picture with this article is me swimming for the first time in 3 years + I haven’t lost a lot of weight yet. But Im finally feeling good enough about myself to take my shirt off outside. This new quest is amazing I feel amazing hopefully you do too! YOU ARE AMAZING!)



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