Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A MAN WITH A PLAN! (goals and such)

Ok most of the time I jump into a new program without thinking about it. Honestly i look for the one with the most dramatic results in the shortest amount of time. Don't we all? But this time i'm looking to actually put an end to the endless dieting i've been going through since like 4th grade.

So decided to set some goals and find a sensible program that will help me achieve them.
It really sounds so simple but I don't think I've ever actually done it.

So what are the goals?

well let's see, I want to start slow. In the past I've started every plan at full force and got burnt out by day 2. So I'm going to treat this thing like a freezing pool and get into it a little bit at a time.


I'm not sure how manly it sounds to refer to my body as "FABULOUS!" but It's better than flabulous.
I'm not looking to be a body builder.
I have neither the desire or the speedos for such a dream.
In all honestly i would really just like to be able to confirm that i actually DO have muscles.
Having been fat since i was 5 i'm not sure I've ever seen any kind of definition anywhere on my body. So I'm going to start a very light impact 9 week weight training program that is going to go perfectly with my cardio program that is also 9 weeks long. More specifics about this program will be posted in future post.

GOAL # 2 get off the couch and Run your buns off!

For my Cardio i'm going to be doing the ever so popular Couch to 5k program. It seems very achievable even to someone like me that hasn't ran in roughly 1,000 years give or take. my progress and will be posted in future posts! PROMISE!

GOAL # 3 PUT DOWN THE FORK!! pick up an apple!

The most dreaded part of the program. We all hate sacrifices and this is my biggest one. I love food i'm pretty sure that's how i got in this predicament in the first place... But any ways, I'm going to be making a conscious effort to choose healthier options wherever i eat. THAT'S IT!

I've tried strict eating plans before and it's just a pain in the ass. really. I've been on over 50 diets in my 22 years on this planet and i've read plenty of books, articles and blogs about what's healthy and what's not. I'm not fat because i don't know that a triple cheese burger is going to make me fat. I'm fat because i choose to eat the triple cheeseburger instead of a salad. (as i'm typing triple cheeseburger I'm looking at the clock and wondering if Wendy's has closed yet.)

My point being, I could buy diet books and exercise books til the cows come home. But it's not a matter of knowing what to do it's a matter of doing it. That's why I hate the diet industry. It's a bunch of pretty people that know people want to look like them so they publish these common sense programs promising results. IT'S BULL SH*T and they know it. It's despicable, deplorable and a cash cow.


We don't need them to lose weight. We can do this together.
No charge.

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