Friday, September 24, 2010



Sorry for my unexcused absence over the past couple days I’ve been a little distracted as of late

We have a few special events coming up in the family that I’ve been trying to help out with and I just recently got a new job with an online consultation company. If you know where I work you know that’s a tad bit of an exaggerated title but hey if you make it sound good than it is good right? Right.

Well anyways I’m proud to say that I have been working out in my absence. I went for another run with the pup the other night and I’ve been doing sit ups and push ups in my room.

Here’s the sit up and push up plan!

I do 20 sit ups a night. If I can do more, I do. I pretty much just do them until I can’t do anymore, which isn’t very much I admit.

With the push ups I’m doing two a night right now.

Next week I’ll be doing 3 a night and the next week I’ll do 4. I’m going to keep on upping it every week until I get to 100 a night. Like I’ve said dieting isn’t a race it’s a marathon which is unfortunate because fat people hate marathons! But if you just stick with it and keep chipping away you’ll eventually get to your goal.

Back to business!

For today’s article I’m going to be talking about motivation.

How to get motivated.

How to stay motivated.

And what to do if you unfortunately lost that motivation. Which we all know leads to quitting the program.

For me getting motivated isn’t so hard. I very much so want to lose weight, get the ladies and be able to live past 40. That’s enough motivation for me to want to start. But my problem comes a week into a program where I think it’ll just be easier to stay single and call it quits at 40.

So here’s a few tips for getting and staying motivated.

Motivational tip #1

Prove ‘em wrong!

My biggest one is the old “Prove ‘em wrong!” motivator.

If you’re anything like me you’ve stated and stopped a kajillion programs. Now when I tell people I’m going on a diet they kinda look at me, roll their eyes and have this “oh really you’re going on ANOTHER diet?” look on their face. So now whenever I think of cheating or skipping a night of exercise I say to myself, “ Everyone thinks you’re going to quit Jarod. Everyone thinks you’re nothing but a quitter. Well lets get down on the ground do these pushups and prove those suckers wrong!”

It helps me and maybe it can help you too!

Motivational tip #2


Another great booster I use is music. It can be as cliché as the Rocky theme “eye of the tiger” by Survivor or it can be your own personal theme. YOUR rocky theme. Mine is “I’ll believe in anything” by wolf parade. It gets me motivated to better myself. It doesn’t have to be a fast paced workout song it just has to be something that reminds you that you can be better tomorrow than you are today.

Motivational tip #3!


First let me explain what projecting is.

Projecting is when you look into the future at how much better things are going to be when you finally achieve whatever goal you’re working on at the time.

Projecting can be healthy if, like anything else, is done sparingly. Let me explain why and it can also be your biggest enemy (and has been my whole life.) When you start to think about how awesome it’s going to be to have this new body, how many chicks are gonna be lined up at the door and how much better your clothes are going to fit you get excited but when you come back to reality and realize how far you have to go, you get discouraged.


Thnking about all these great things while you’re running or working out is a great tool to keep you going. The key is to not dwell on the future.

As they say, “If you have one foot in the past and foot in the future, all you can do is pee on today,”

Those are only a few of the motivational tips I have but unfortunately as I mentioned earlier in this post I’m very busy this weekend so I’m going to have to get off of here.

But before I go here is what I want you to do. I did this and it’s helping me out a lot!

Take 10 minutes and write out everything that helps you stay motivated and all the goals you’re going to achieve when you get to your goal weight. (not that you’ll be done when you get to your goal weight but it’s something to look forward to.) Write those out and read them 3 times a day. I read mine while I eat breakfast, while I eat lunch and right before bed. Reading these goals at breakfast and lunch really help you stay on track.






P.S. In my experience losing motivation leads to quitting. The worst part about quitting a plan is that you’re breaking a promise to yourself. And that hurts you more than you realize. If there’s anyone you can trust in this world it should be yourself. So treat yourself with the respect YOU DESERVE and keep your word. YOU ARE WORTH IT. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL (we’re all just working to be extra beautiful/handsome. The world won't be able to handle us then!)

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